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《GWI专题报道》丨9游会官网携手高频 助力中国蓬勃生长的集成电路工业

宣布时间:2018-11-04 浏览量:3004 文章来源:

 中国集成电路产颐魅正蓬勃生长,而为其配套的高技术水处理领域也迎来新机缘。2018年11月,9游会官网情况携手高频情况,成为中国首批进入集成电路工业等高技术水处理领域的环保上市公司。双方的整合及未来中国“芯水”工业的生长前景引起了国际水务市场领域专业媒体Global Water Intelligence(以下简称GWI)的关注,GWI采访了9游会官网情况等这一市场中的重要公司,并于2018年12月刊推出了对中国集成电路工业水处理领域的专题报道。


  With the acquisition of ultrapure water and zero liquid discharge capabilities, the Shanghai-listed Chinese project developer is bidding to capitalise on China's domestic microelectronics expansion. What's next for Poten in this competitive market?


  Shanghai-listed project developer Poten Environment made a major play for the booming Chinese microelectronics market at the end of November with the completion of its purchase of 70% of fellow Chinese ultrapure water (UPW) and zero liquid discharge specialist, TG Hilyte Environmental. The deal, priced at RMB350 million ($55 million), is timed to take advantage of a growing wave of opportunities in the domestic microelectronics market.


  As a result of the boom in investment, revenue at TG Hilyte more than doubled last year from RMB51 million ($7.4 million) in 2016 to RMB111 million ($16.1 million) in 2017, with net profits increasing by 187% from RMB7.6 million ($1.1 million) to RMB21.8 million ($3.2 million).


  "We see large opportunities behind the spring up of new fabs in China, including both quality water supply and standardised wastewater treatment," Qiu Wentao, the vice president of Poten who will be mainly in charge of TG Hilyte's business, told GWI. "This is where TG Hilyte could create values leveraging on its integrated technological solutions."


  Much of the microelectronics growth is focused in Poten's core market in the centre of the county, in cities like Chong qing, Chengdu and Xi'an. "We have a solid business experience and a wide network in these cities." Qiu said. "This foundation would probably help to synergise with TG Hilyte's expertise to win more contracts."


  "Pitched more towards the highend users, our UPW business is doing better in the recent years," said Xu Youzhi, the CEO of TG Hilyte. It is understood that the company had its share in the Chinese UPW market increased from less than 3% in 2016 to closer to 5% in 2017, securing contracts for new fabs for companies including US semiconductor manufacturer Texas Instruments and glass science specialist Corning.


  "The core competence of TG Hilyte is the wealth of experience in customising integrated wastewater treatment and reuse systems for different clients." Xu said. Since the start of last year the company has secured a number of wastewater treatment contracts from Chinese leading semiconductor manufacturer SMIC with a combined value of around RMB86 million ($12 million).


  The wastewater market for the Chinese microelectronics industry is the subject of intense competition, with a huge demand for wastewater system upgrading to meet tightened discharge regulations.


  Faced with this competitive market situation, Poten is looking to achieve growth through further acquisitions and strategic partnerships to enhance TG Hilyte's portfolios." We are interested in technologies which address the remaining challenging issues for microelectronics industrial water management, for example the recovery and reuse of waste acid and calcium fluoride sludge," said Spock Huang, the executive vice president responsible for Poten's international business. "With regard to overseas expansion, we are mainly searching for targets with strong consultancy and O&M capability."




? ? ? ?来源:GWI
